Eh, It's a Start
I'm a tad bit excited.
I can officially say that I have crossed something off my bucket list since beginning this adventure (and I plan to stay with it, too, not one of those one time dealios).
I have an extensive list, as I'm sure anyone who's given much thought to what they want to have done or accomplished before they pass on. So the above picture is just a little teaser of sorts.
Hopefully, as I move forward with this project (and the others I have going on at the same time) I can continue to give you all updates on what I've tackled on this list, add to it and, most importantly, give you guys a little inspiration to start your own bucket lists (or, really, whatever you personally prefer to call it) and begin ticking things off as you take on your dreams.
For now, I can say that "Start a Blog" is done! There's more to come though. And I'm in the process of revamping my list. A few new ideas need to be added and a few others tweaked.
Later I hope to make some realistic plans to achieving some of the more lofty ones. Others are a matter of finding the time.
And others still, are in the works as we speak!
You'll just have to stick around to find out which ones those are and how much more than the snapshot I've given you above, that I have up my sleeve!
As always, until next time.