Back at the Helm
Well, well, well.... I've been bad. Ha. Terrible, actually. Would it be an understatement to say that it's been awhile since my last post? Uh, yeah ha.. Anyway, for the MILLIONS (sarcasm-lots and lots of sarcasm, but seriously the handful of you out there interested in my ramblings-you're awesome) out there reading this, I'm back! It's been a crazy past few months. Dare I say it, crazy couple of years. I just had back surgery and was in recovery mode this time last year. Before that, we had another little bundle of baby to add to our little family, so now we have TWO toddlers. Oh, and we bought our first house!
So with all of that, this project fell to the way side. And I'm sorry for that. And a bit disappointed with myself.
So I'm back at it. I have a new goal in mind. A new plan. And I have a ton of content to write about and post to get everything caught up to speed, including some NEW stuff.
Like, for really real.
So fasten your seat belts, mateys!
I'm back and pumped for a new chapter.
We're actually going to take this thing out for a spin!