Are We Paying Attention, Boys and Girls?
It's been a successful week, for the most part. A few delays here and there, but that's to be expected.
We've presented a topic, explored a bit and shed light on some facts about water.
Hopefully this has opened your eyes about the importance of clean water. And, hopefully, you'll realize how fortunate most of you are to have access to clean water.
There are many who go without and, as a result, experience excruciating side effects of drinking contaminated water.
Thankfully there are modern inventions geared toward combating this issue. And so, maybe in the near future, everyone (in the truest since of the word) can have access to clean water.
But keep your wits about you. While we try not to come off as a "conspiracy driven" sight, it is obviously true that there are things constantly being withheld from the public's attention to stir up fear and make everyone choose a side rather than staying focused on working together for the greater good.
Have you noticed lately, that there hasn't been much mention of the availability of water in the media? Not too long ago everyone was seemingly up in arms about the West coast's wild fires and the Southwestern state's water shortage emergencies. But now that it's not the major focus of what major news stations deem newsworthy, those that tune in regularly are left feeling as though the problem has magically disappeared. And of course, no one other than those who are directly effected, try to handle/fix the problem as a result. That's because politicians are too busy divvying up voters and concerning themselves with more lucrative "catastrophes" to shove in front of frenzied news journalists to sway public opinions. Elections tend to do that.
Water shortage is a problem many people continue to face regardless of it's mention, or lack thereof, in the main steam news.Please remember to conserve water. Use it wisely. Think about how you dispose of chemicals that could leach into ground water supplies and teach those around you of the importance water plays, not only on a personal level but on a global scale, as well.
Water is an integral aspect of life.
Without it, we perish.