Here's a Tricky One: What's the Story Behind Water Fluoridation?
Today, we roll out our first (well, technically not first, but first as a revamped site) feature question post. Each week, we'll present a posed question to get your brain going about a topic relating to the information or broader topic presented in our "Into the Archives" post of the week.
Let's begin. Water fluoridation. That's a mouth full. Literally.
You may have clicked this link in expectation to see a huge list of reasons why you should be "pro" or "against" having fluoride in drinking water.
Well, for this post at least, you've come to the wrong place.
This week, we're going to explore the major historical accomplishments pertaining to water (in some way), how it has impacted our society as a whole, as well as those wonderful men and women who did all the leg work to make some of those breakthroughs of the time come to fruition.
Oh, and we're going to see about that ever prevalent conspiracy theory that hangs around the history that is water fluoridation.
But we'll have all those facts a bit later.
Stay tuned for the answer and some trivia in the meantime!