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Greetings from the Chasseur Himself

Why, hello there!

If you're new to this particular blog with the initial intentions of reading it, smashing! If you happened upon it by accident...we'll take that as a victory as well. (By the way, feel free to read this in your best British accent.. You know you want to.)

You may be wondering just what you've gone and gotten yourself into now. Come now, I beseech you. Do keep reading! I promise, you're in for a treat. This is (no pun intended) just the beginning! Yes, that's right. The beginning of something wonderful...that will, quite literally, captivate your mind, enchant your imagination, perhaps even lead you into its very you can never hope to escape... *Cue evil laughter*...Muahahaha! Er, I mean, won't want to stop reading of course.

In all seriousness though, allow me to satisfy your curiosity. First thing's first. My name is Mr. Chasseur, the group blog's "madstone" (for lack of better word, and no, that doesn't mean I'm mad either; just have a go and look at the definition on the web). The kids of the group call me "old", but I would like to think otherwise. "Well-versed in the ways of the world" has a much kinder, more mature ring to it, don't you think? I'm a bit eccentric I suppose, but not old. And speaking of those buggers, the rest of the lot will be along after awhile. I'm sure they'll have loads more to tell you about the gang. But I digress; back to the matter at hand. We here at History Hunters Anonymous do just that: We hunt history. Yes, you read that correctly. For you see, there are a whole slew of books and countless archives that document history. From the biblical beginnings of mankind, to the news report of yesterday, everything that has ever happened seems to be well researched and cataloged. But you see, when it comes to retelling history, a lot of things seem to...fall through the cracks. And that my friend, is what the H.H.A. are all about.

What was once now found.

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